Family Disputes Claims In Norman Rockwell Book

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Family finds facility to take teen declared brain dead


The family, in its statement, referred to one passage in the book in which Solomon describes how Rockwell went to schools at recess and stopped little boys on the street, and that such behavior might be seen as problematic in today’s world. The passage ignores Rockwell’s own explanation in his autobiography that after he persuaded a boy to pose for an illustration, they would go together to ask the child’s mother for permission, the family said. “She supports this unfounded claim with another phantom theory, that Rockwell was a closeted homosexual,” the statement read. “To link pedophilia and homosexuality in this way is offensive and clearly homophobic.” In an interview in October with The Wall Street Journal, Solomon, who also authored biographies of artists Jackson Pollack and Joseph Cornell, was quoted as saying she did not believe Rockwell had homosexual relationships in his life, but added that he preferred male company and that it was possible to discern “enormous homoeroticism” from his work. She said she was not attempting to speculate on his psychology. The author did not understand Rockwell as a person, the family said, and dismissed suggestions that he was lonely, moody or frequently depressed. “This is absurd. He did not mope, was not a chronic depressive, or a hypochondriac.
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Family says boy pricked by syringe in Christmas present

Now, the family waits to find out if he’s been infected with HIV. Tom Basye bought a hoodie sweatshirt at a Longview Walmart on Black Friday. He wrapped it right away to give to his 16-year-old son. The family says they found two syringes in the pocket of the sweatshirt when Basyes son opened the present and tried it on Christmas morning. One of the syringes didnt have a cap on it. Basye said they had no idea what was in the pocket until one of the syringes stuck his son in the finger. Basye said they filled out a complaint at the store but have not heard from the company. The family wont know for another six months whether their teenager may have contracted some kind of infection.
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The hospital has refused to perform the procedures. “Children’s Hospital Oakland does not believe that performing surgical procedures on the body of a deceased person is an appropriate medical practice,” David Durand, its chief of pediatrics, said in a statement Thursday. Douglas Straus, a lawyer for the hospital, said in a letter made public Friday that before the hospital would comply with the family’s request to move Jahi, it would need to speak directly with officials at any nursing home to make sure they understand her condition, “including the fact that Jahi is brain dead” — and to discuss needed preparations, including transportation. “Children’s Hospital will of course continue to do everything legally and ethically permissible to support the family of Jahi McMath. In that regard, Children’s will allow a lawful transfer of Jahi’s body in its current state to another location if the family can arrange such a transfer and Children’s can legally do so,” Straus wrote in the letter. He also said the Alameda County coroner needed to sign off on the move “since we are dealing with the body of a person who has been declared legally dead.” The letter was sent to Dolan after Dolan said he was preparing a federal civil rights lawsuit to force the hospital to outfit Jahi with breathing and feeding tubes. Dolan said he had subsequently held a three-way conference call Friday with Straus and the director of the nursing home.
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